Equal treatment of Chinese and foreigners in Guangdong

2020-May-7       Source: Newsgd.com

Guangdong province is firmly opposed to any discriminatory remarks or behaviour. Medical institutions at all levels and hotels must treat Chinese citizens and foreign nationals equally, according to t

Guangdong province is firmly opposed to any discriminatory remarks or behaviour. Medical institutions at all levels and hotels must treat Chinese citizens and foreign nationals equally, according to the Health Commission of Guangdong Province.

[PhotoNanfang Daily]

The provincial health commission states that health management measures like temperature measurement should be implemented in hotels and other accommodation providers. People with a high temperature(≥37.3℃)shall not be permitted entry.

In accordance with the requirements of a graded prevention and control system, if the ‘Yuekang Code’ is required, hotels should prepare relevant work guidelines. For those who cannot show health codes, they can check in using a negative nucleic acid test result from the last 7 days, medical observation release notice (issued in the last 7 days), or valid personal identification.

Consumers encountering problems with hotels or other accommodation providers, can call the "12315" hotline to express their complaints.

Regarding medical treatment, foreigners with reasonable requests concerning epidemic prevention and control can call the 24-hour multilingual hotline "1258088".


Editor: Simon, Steven

Editor: Hannah

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