The sharing economy has been a hot topic in China in recent years. Get tired of walking? Use your mobile phone to unlock a shared bike and get a ride. Forget to bring an umbrella in a rainy day? A shared umbrella can save you from getting wet. Feel an impulse to sing when walking on the street? Go to the shared KTV.
The sharing economy has become a part of many Chinese people's daily lives. It has also attracted a huge group of foreign fans in Guangdong who believe that the sharing economy makes life more convenient.
As for them, the sharing economy is you rent out something that you are not using and the user pays for the service.
When talking about the changes that the sharing economy has brought to their lives, most of them took the shared bikes as an example. In their opinion, bike-sharing is definitely an effective solution to "the last mile problem" for commuters.
他们也都举双手赞成共享经济给生活带来太多方便了。而让出行“最后一公里”so easy的共享单车被提及最多次,以最大粉丝数傲视群雄!
Grab a shared bikes and cycle along the greenways in Guangdong on a sunny day. How enjoyable it will be!
Some even believed that in the near future there would be phone-sharing and drone-sharing services.
Author(作者): Keane Wong (王凯), Steven Yuen (袁子翔)