Shenzhen to ban outdoor barbecue, control exhaust emission

2020-May-11       Source:

The southern Chinese city of Shenzhen will ban outdoor barbecue across the city, in a bid to prevent and control air pollution, according to the municipal ecology and environment bureau.

The southern Chinese city of Shenzhen will ban outdoor barbecue across the city, in a bid to prevent and control air pollution, according to the municipal ecology and environment bureau.

According to an action plan issued recently, activities of outdoor barbecue will be investigated and punished by law.

The government of Shenzhen plans to curb the average concentration of PM2.5 within 25 micrograms per cubic meter and ensure the air quality index maintains at least 96 percent in 2020.

Other pollution control measures to achieve the goals will also be implemented in the city, including containing exhaust emissions from automobiles and ships.

The city plans to phase out 60,000 old and obsolete vehicles and improve the public transportation network in the downtown areas by the end of 2020, as part of the emissions reduction efforts.

Editor: Will

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