
What impresses you most about Guangdong province? Is it the opportunity, openness and inclusiveness, or the culinary delights, wonderful scenery and diverse culture here? All are welcome to share your unique story of Guangdong![详情More]
活动时间:2022年8月至2022年11月。其中,2022年8月2日至10月15日为活动征集期,8月底至10月底为网络投票期,11月举办活动线下分享会。The solicitation period is from August 2 to October 15, the online voting session will be open from the end of August to the end of October...[详情More]
以“粤拍粤钟意”为主题,拍摄6分钟以内的短视频作品,可采用MP4、FLV、MOV等视频标准格式。Make a video with a duration of less than six minutes with the theme "My Guangdong Story" in MP4, FLV, MOV, or other video formats...[详情More]
优秀作品奖10名,奖金10000元/名,优秀作品提名奖20名,奖金5000元/名;根据网络热度和主题相关性评选出人气作品奖20名,奖金2000元/名。Outstanding Video Award: 10,000 RMB per winner, 10 winners in total (before tax)...[详情More]
2.在抖音平台发布短视频,在文字描述中关联 #粤拍粤钟意 话题,并@南方网 参加活动 Post your video on Douyin with hashtag #粤拍粤钟意 and @南方网.