活动公告 Announcement


What impresses you most about Guangdong province? Is it the opportunity, openness and inclusiveness, or the culinary delights, wonderful scenery and diverse culture here? All are welcome to share your unique story of Guangdong!

Guided by the Information Office of the People's Government of Guangdong Province and hosted by Nanfang News Network (Southcn.com & Newsgd.com), "My Guangdong Story" Global Solicitation for Short Videos is held from August 2 to October 15, 2022, collecting short videos of Guangdong from all over the world.




TimeFrom August to November 2022 

The solicitation period is from August 2 to October 15, the online voting session will be open from the end of August to the end of October, and the offline sharing event will be held in November.





Guided by the Information Office, People's Government of Guangdong Province

Hosted by Nanfang News Network (Southcn.com & Newsgd.com), Nanfang Media Group





Make a video with a duration of less than six minutes themed "My Guangdong Story" in MP4, FLV, MOV, or other video formats. The resolution must be over 1080×720 (for cell phone shooting, please choose the highest resolution). There is no restriction on the language of the video. If there is dialogue or narration, please add subtitles in Chinese or English. The work should not involve any commercial advertisements, and a description with less than 150 words is required.

The entries must be original videos and can be in any form, such as interviews or micro-documentaries, showing Guangdong in your eyes, such as your life as well as the stories you experienced or discovered in this province.



Who can participate?

The global solicitation is open to all teams and individuals worldwide, as long as the participants agree with the rules of the event and their entries conform to the theme.



方式二:在抖音平台发布短视频,在文字描述中关联#粤拍粤钟意 话题,并@南方网 参加活动;

How to participate

1. Enter the event's official webpage on the homepage of Newsgd.com (www.newsgd.com/mygdstory), and submit your entries.

2. Post your short videos on Douyin (抖音), add hashtag #粤拍粤钟意 , and tag the official account of Southcn.com (@南方网) to join in.


Scan the QR code to visit the official webpage


   Scan the QR code with Douyin App to join the event








6.方向二:分享喜欢的广东美食,向爱的人爱的地方表白,并用广东话/家乡话说出:“我最钟意同xx食广东xx,真系xx xx!”




2.加分项:关注@南方网 账号


How to participate in the event on Douyin

From August 2 to October 15, 2022, post your videos that show Guangdong in your eyes and your life here to get more views and win big prizes!

1. Add hashtag #粤拍粤钟意.

2. Tag the official account of Southcn.com (@南方网).

3. The content should be inspiring.

4. Please choose one of the following three filming ideas and post original videos:

5. Take photos with the landmarks and characteristic elements of the cities in Guangdong as the backdropproduce a video with joyful music, and sync the video to the beat.

6. Share your favorite Cantonese food or show your love to someone or some places, and say "I love xx with xx in Guangdong, it's really xx" in Cantonese or your native language or dialect.

7. Take a selfie video or interview against the background of a street or landmark building, and tell your personal, family's or friends' story in Guangdong.

Optional mission with extra points

1. "#粤拍粤钟意" appears in the video subtitles or spoken word.

2. Follow the official account of Southcn.com (@南方网).

3. Add location when posting videos.





Outstanding Video Award: 10,000 RMB per winner, 10 winners in total (before tax)

Outstanding Video Award Nomination: 5,000 RMB per winner, 20 winners in total (before tax)

Popular Video Award: 2,000 RMB per winner, 20 winners in total (before tax)

After the voting session, the winners and nominees of the Outstanding Video Award will be selected based on the quality and popularity of the entries on the official webpage and Douyin. Winners of the Popular Video Award will also be chosen according to their popularity.

Besides the prize, the winners will be granted certificates. The same entry submitted to more than one platform is entitled to only one award. Authors can make multiple entries, however, no individual author will be awarded for more than two entries.

The organizer will contact participants through the information they provided in the submissions. Please pay attention and reply in time.




During the event, all entries conforming to the theme will be displayed on the official webpage. Some selected works will be showcased on various platforms, including new media platforms and overseas social media accounts of major media outlets in the province; Xuexi Qiangguo's Guangdong Channel; LED displays outdoors and on the metros and buses; some overseas websites and social media platforms. Award-winning videos will be exhibited at the Guangzhou Library (TBD) during the offline event in November.


1. 参赛作品的版权归原版权所有人所有,活动主办单位尊重并保障参赛作品的著作权,视频所涉名誉权、肖像权、著作权等法律责任,均由参赛者负责。

2. 活动主办单位拥有参赛视频的使用权(不另付稿酬),保留对视频的后期技术处理权,使用方式包括用于公益宣传或提供给相关媒体播放等。

3. 活动主办单位组织相关单位加强获奖作品文化价值开发,衍生制作一批文创宣介精品,打造一批网红打卡地。

How will your videos be applied?

1. The participants own the copyright of the entries. The organizer of the event respects and protects the copyright of the entries. The participants shall bear any legal liability related to the video, such as the right to reputation, portrait right, and intellectual property.

2. The organizer has the right to use the video (without additional payment) and reserves the right to re-edit the video, including but not limited to public welfare promotion or broadcast by relevant media.

3. The organizers will be working with some other organizations to explore whether some of the contents of the award-winning videos can be used to develop cultural, creative and informative marketing products related to some of the more famous sites featured in the videos.


1. 参赛作品须内容积极向上,符合社会主义核心价值观。不得涉及色情、暴力、宗教与种族歧视等内容,不能与法律法规相抵触。严禁剽窃、抄袭,不得植入广告,不存在知识产权争议。

2. 团队提交作品之版权和著作权等相关事宜,由报名表上填的“申报人”负责。提交作品必须由“申报人”原创,“申报人”应确认拥有作品的著作权,主办方不承担任何权益纠纷。如若出现任何权益纠纷,主办方保留取消其参与活动资格、追回奖项权利,并追究对主办方权益的侵害的权利。(多人同时申报的同一作品如果获奖,请自行沟通协调,达成一致意见后向主办方提交共同签字的奖金分配说明。)

Copyright Statement

1. The content you submit should be positive and cannot involve commercial advertisements, pornography, violence, religion and racial discrimination, and must not violate the laws and regulations. Plagiarism is prohibited, and there shall be no intellectual property disputes regarding the works.

2. The "Author" on the application form is responsible for the copyright of the work submitted by the team. Authors should ensure that the submitted works are original and they own the copyright of the works. The organizer will not be responsible for any disputes over rights. In case of any disputes, the organizer reserves the right of disqualifying participants from participating in this activity, recovering the prize and certificate, and demanding legal prosecution for any losses and legal liabilities. (If a winning entry is submitted by more than one person, please submit a jointly signed statement of prize distribution to the organizer after reaching an agreement.)


If you have any questions about this event, you can email myguangdongstory@gmail.com.


* The organizer reserves the right to adjust and interpret the relevant rules of the event.