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From Artist to Zoologist, a galaxy of foreign talents gathers in Guangdong




During the past 40 years of China’s Reform and Opening-up, thousands of hundreds of foreigners have come to Guangdong, bringing with business, capital and technologies. Now expats are working across a wide range of fields, contributing to the development of Guangdong.

Cooperated with Nanfang Daily and Nanfang Plus APP, Newsgd.com recently has planned a special report A Galaxy of Talents: Guangdong’s International Community, inviting 26 expats with A-Z occupations who are settling down in Guangdong to share their unique stories.


The whole stories in A Galaxy of Talents: Guangdong’s International Community

Chinese Version

In the eyes of Justin Ole Fischer, an Australian ARTIST, Guangzhou is the place where he discovered his dream. “Compared to my home, Australia, Guangzhou has a much larger population, which means a larger market for artists.”

The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge has officially been open to traffic, which made Ronaldo Vizconde Dorupa, an INNOVATOR from AVIC General Aircraft in Zhuhai so excited. Having been living in Zhuhai for over 5 years, he has greatly been benefited from the progress made in the local infrastructure.

“Guangdong has changed greatly compared to when I first arrived. I am lucky to have witnessed its progress,” Dr. Harley Seyedin, an NGO LEADER from the American Chamber of Commerce in South China (AmCham), said, looking back on the 27 years spent in Guangdong.

“Following the electronics industry” to Guangdong in 2001, Radu Gosav, a QUALITY INSPECTION INSTITUTE'S EXECUTIVE from TÜV SÜD, said, “I’m very pleased to see that Guangdong Province is at the forefront of changing technology.”

As one of the first batch of individuals to receive the confirmation letter on foreign high-end talent from Guangdong Government, Prof. Rafael Guzman Tirado, a UNIVERSITY TEACHER from Guangdong University of Foreign Studies(GDUFS), said “So this chance to avoid having problems with my visa is essential. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to be here (GDUFS).”

Ahmed Yousif, an Egyptian ZOOLOGIST in the Institute of Animal Science, Guangdong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, thinks that Guangdong is one of the best places to study laying ducks.

As a modern international location, Guangdong province is famous for its openness, inclusiveness, diversification and convenient facilities for trade. More and more foreigners are attracted to live and work here. They've been creating a legendary life and working towards a brighter future with Guangdong.

Text by Nan

Edited by Olivia



对澳大利亚艺术家(Artist)贾斯丁·费希尔(Justin Ole Fischer)来说,广州是他发现梦想的地方,“相比澳大利亚,广州的人口多很多。对艺术家来说,这意味着广州有更大的市场”;

港珠澳大桥24日开始正式通车,这让在珠海生活了5年多的珠海通用航空研发制造基地外籍专家顾问(Innovator)罗纳德·威斯康德·德鲁帕(Ronaldo Vizconde Dorupa)特别振奋——“第一次听说时还不太敢相信呢”;

回顾在广东度过的27年时光,华南美国商会会长(NGO Leader)哈利·赛亚丁(Dr. Harley Seyedin)在接受采访时感慨说:“今天的广东与我刚来时天差地别,很幸运能作为其中一份子见证它的的发展。”

2001年“跟随电子产业的发展趋势”来到广东,TÜV南德意志大中华集团EMC电磁兼容测试部门总监(Quality Inspection Institute’s Executive)拿督·戈萨夫(Radu Gosav)在接受采访时表示“我非常高兴地看到广东走在技术革新的前列。”

作为广东省首批获发《外国高端人才确认函》的外国专家,广东外语外贸大学云山学者讲座教授(University teacher)拉斐尔·古兹曼·蒂拉多(Rafael Guzman Tirado)高兴地说:“如果没有(《高端人才确认函》),我不会像现在这样常驻广外。”

今年8月,在距离家乡近一万公里的广州,埃及动物学家(Zoologist)艾哈迈德·尤西夫(Ahmed Yousif)与家人再次团聚。在他看来,广东农业科学院动物科学研究所是研究蛋鸭的理想圣地——他的研究可以让月饼咸蛋黄更美味。



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