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Performer aims to make suona international

Zhang Qianyuan gives an interview Thursday. Sun Yuchen

As the only musician who will give a solo Chinese instrument performance in the opening concert of the 2017 Shenzhen Belt and Road International Music Season, Zhang Qianyuan, a famous suona player, said in an interview Thursday that she felt honored to show the beauty of the suona to the local audience.

Like her teacher, Liu Ying, the famous suona master who started the internationlization of the suona by collaborating with orchestras, Zhang also wants to internationalize the suona.

“I plan to cooperate with some musicians to create international works in the future,” said Zhang. She also is focused on professional suona education as she teaches at the Central Conservatory of Music.

Zhang is happy to be presenting the classical and popular suona concerto “Hundreds Birds Worshipping the Phoenix” at this musical feast. The song was created by the nationally famous suona master, Ren Tongxiang, who also happens to be Liu’s teacher. First popularized in Shandong Province, the song features animated nature in its lively melody and the harmonious sound of birds chirping.

Suona player Zhang Qianyuan.

Since the suona was introduced to China from Persia, it has developed strong Chinese characteristics. “The distinct sound of suona combines with the harmony of the orchestra to make an exceptionally beautiful performance,” said Zhang.

Having rehearsed with the orchestra, Zhang is ready to give a wonderful performance.

Shenzhen Belt and Road International Music Season will open Saturday, bringing local audiences 16 concerts by outstanding musicians from nearly 30 countries along the Belt and Road region.

The opening concert of the 2017 Shenzhen Belt and Road International Music Season will feature various styles of music sung by beautiful voices and played on distinctive instruments this Saturday night.

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