A Galaxy of Talent: Guangdong's
International Community





This year marks 40th anniversary of China's Reform and Opening up. Hence, Nanfang Daily, Newsgd.com and Nanfang Plus App have initiated a special report More local than locals: Guangdong's foreign settlers, inviting 26 expats with A-Z occupations who are settling down in Guangdong to share their unique stories.

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    Artist 艺术家

    Name姓名:Justin Ole Fischer


    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:12 years 12年

    I find the world's largest color set in Guangzhou. And I work in Art Canton and help local artists connect with international art circle. 我在广州不仅发现了世界上色彩最丰富的颜料,还在艺术广东的策展工作中,在为本地艺术家对接世界的过程中寻找到乐趣。

  • Circulation 流通  

    Businessman 商会总监

    Name姓名:Marc Piesbergen


    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:6 years 6年

    Shenzhen is the silicon valley of the east. This is why we opened a new office in Shenzhen with an innovation platform and also an innovation manager. 深圳就是东方的硅谷。这就是为什么我们在深圳新开了一个办公室,还特意设置了一个创新平台,并安排一名创新经理专职负责。

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    Consul General 驻穗总领

    Name姓名:David Gamarra

    Nationality国籍:Peru 秘鲁

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:5 years 5年

    Every time I have business with people from my country, I told them what I saw in Guangzhou. People in my country are impressed by the development of this city and want to stay here, too. 每次我跟来自秘鲁的人谈生意,我都会告诉他们我在广州的所见所闻。我们国家的人们也对广州这座城市的发展印象深刻,他们也希望能留下来发展。

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    Doctor 医生

    Name姓名:Abraham Morse

    Nationality国籍:US 美国

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:2 years 2年

    Working in public hospital is not a common kind of opportunity. Foreign doctors might have short-term training in public hospitals, but usually end up working in private hospitals. So I felt very intrigued. 广州妇儿中心当时在招外籍医生做泌尿妇科主任,这机会很难得,大多数外国医生都在中国的私立医院工作,所以我非常感兴趣。

  • Innovation 创新  

    Engineer 工程师

    Name姓名:Norbert Marx

    Nationality国籍:Germany 德国

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:7 years 7年

    The aviation industry is growing very fast in Asia, especially in China. You have many opportunities and good problems. And this is a challenge and opportunity that you cannot find in many other areas of the world right now. 亚洲,尤其是中国的航空业正在腾飞。你们面临着很多机会和挑战,而这些机会和挑战是你目前很难在世界上其他地方找到的。

  • Residence 安居  

    Football player 足球运动员

    Name姓名:Alan Douglas Borges de Carvalho

    Nationality国籍:Brazil 巴西

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:3 years 3年

    To me, Guangzhou is definitely a very good international city, having no difference from other international cities I’ve been to. For our expats, you can feel at home in Guangdong. 在我眼中,广州绝对是一座非常好的国际化大城市,与我去过的国际化大城市没有任何区别。对于我们外国人来说,在广东找到家的感觉。

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    Government employee 公务员

    Name姓名:Fons Klein Tuente

    Nationality国籍:the Netherlands 荷兰

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:2 years 2年

    My job is to help Foshan's economy become better and better. I am fond of the life and work here and I want to witness Foshan's booming economy. 我的工作是助力佛山经济越来越好。我很喜欢在这里工作和生活。我也想见证佛山蓬勃发展的经济。

  • Residence 安居  

    Househusband 家庭主夫

    Name姓名:Fons Klein Tuente

    Nationality国籍:US 美国

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:4 years 4年

    When we leave china, probably the thing I miss most from Guangzhou is the Canton Tower. It's so beautiful.

  • Innovation 创新  

    Innovator 创新者

    Name姓名:Ronaldo Vizconde Dorupa

    Nationality国籍:US 美国

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:9 years 9年

    My hope is that in 5 years, I can still ride my bicycle on a wide smooth road in Zhuhai breathing fresh air and stopping for a snack of HK milk tea and Macao pork buns. 我希望5年后,我依然能在珠海宽阔平稳的路上踩着单车,呼吸新鲜的空气,偶尔停下来喝一口香港奶茶,吃一吃澳门猪扒包。

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    Jewelry appraiser 珠宝鉴定师

    Name姓名:Ronald Daems

    Nationality国籍:Belgium 比利时

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:14 years 14年

  • Residence 安居  

    Kindergarten teacher 幼教

    Name姓名:Krisztina V.Verhusina

    Nationality国籍:Hungary 匈牙利

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:6 years 6年

    The first minute I stepped out of the plane I understood this is the right place for me to be. 在我走下飞机登陆广东的那一刻我就意识到,这里将会很适合我。

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    Legal consultant 法律顾问

    Name姓名:Peter Fenton

    Nationality国籍:Australia 澳大利亚

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:8 years 8年

    I saw more and more Australians start their businesses in Guangzhou, especially in such fields as high eduction, mining industry, food and beverage and tourism. And we can offer them legal services, like the registration process. 越来越多的澳大利亚人开始把公司开到广州,最多的要数高等教育、矿业和钢铁、食品和酒类、旅游、金融服务等行业。我们会为来穗做生意的澳大利亚人提供帮助,比如注册企业的法律程序咨询等等。

  • Innovation 创新  

    Manufacturer 制造商

    Name姓名:Gordon Styles

    Nationality国籍:U.K. 英国

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:13 years 13年

    Most of our supplies are in Shenzhen's Baoan. It's the best place. And Zhongshan has great environment and it's only one and a half hour drive away from Shenzhen. Plus, the logistics is exceptional here. 我们大多数供应商都在深圳宝安。那里有最好的货源。而我们在中山有非常舒适的生活环境,离深圳也只有1个半小时车程。重点是,这里的物流真的很棒!

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    NGO leader 华南美商会会长

    Name姓名:Harley Seyedin

    Nationality国籍:US 美国

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:27 years 27年

    Today Guangdong is a different world than when I first time came here. I've been very lucky to witness all of the development and to be a part of it. 如今的广东跟我刚来的时候相比截然不同了。我很幸运能见证广东这些年的发展,也很荣幸能成为广东的一份子。

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    Online celebrity 网红


    Nationality国籍:Italy 意大利

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:12 years 12年

    The 2010 Asian Para Games was my first time to host such a huge stage. It was cold and the organizer sent us army jackets. I'm still keeping the jacket. It represents a warm hearted memory. 2010年,我被邀请做广州残奥会预热表演的主持。当时有点冷,主办方给我们提供了军大衣。大衣我到现在还留着,觉得它是载满回忆一个实体,让人觉得蛮温暖的。

  • Innovation 创新  

    Pilot 飞行员

    Name姓名:Mauro Marchesan

    Nationality国籍:Italy 意大利

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:6 years 6年

    What impresses me most is the development of the city, of the airport. And I think the amount of people moving in the airport has increased a lot. 这里让我印象最深刻的是城市和机场的发展。近些年,来机场坐飞机出游的人越来越多了。

  • Innovation 创新  

    Quality inspection institute's executive 质检机构高管

    Name姓名:Radu Cristian Gosav

    Nationality国籍:Romania 罗马尼亚

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:17 years 17年

    I choose to work here because I followed the electronics industry. I'm an electronics engineer, with a focus on designing new products and on quality in Guangdong Provinces, the world’s manufacturer of electronics. 我是跟随电子产业的发展来广东工作的。我是一名电子工程师,现在在广东专注设计新产品以及把控新产品的质量。

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    Restaurateur 网红餐厅老板

    Name姓名:Gerhard Reiter

    Nationality国籍:Austria 奥地利

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:16 years 16年

  • Residence 安居  

    Singer 歌手


    Nationality国籍:Senegal 塞内加尔

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:4 years 4年

    I think in the future I would like to be a writer. I would write my life in Guangzhou into a book. People here are very passionate, and in some respects, pragmatic. The business is thriving here. If you can see, people are well-organized. 将来我想成为一名作家,把我在广州的生活写进书里。这里的人们很热情,也很务实。这里的经济很繁荣。如果你能来看看,你会发现这里的一切很有序。

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    Trader 商人

    Name姓名:Baby Aly Sidy

    Nationality国籍:Mali 马里

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:6.5 years 6.5年

    The Guangzhou we saw on TV is not what you see when you truly arrive. Guangzhou is different from cities in Africa, America and Europe and there are many old houses and old people here. It is a good place that accommodates so many nice people. 我们在电视上看到的广州和你来了之后真正看到的广州是截然不同的。广州和非洲、美洲和欧洲的城市不一样,这里有很老的建筑,有很多老人。跟这些善良的人们一起生活是件很美好的事。

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    University Teacher 大学教授

    Name姓名:Refeal Guzman Tirado

    Nationality国籍:Spain 西班牙

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:1 years 1年

    I am also a member of different organizations and I have to leave for months (to Spain and Russia). This possibility of not having problems with visa is essential and this (Confirmation letter of high-end talents) gives me the possibility to be here. 我同时也是其他学术机构的成员,我需要中途离开几个月去西班牙和俄罗斯。所以签证是我面临最大的问题。《高端人才确认函》给了我长期留在这里的机会。

  • Residence 安居  

    Volunteer 志愿者


    Nationality国籍:Poland 波兰

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:2 years 2年

    My task was to accompany the spouses of the guests during the Fortune Global Forum. I think they were really surprised by Chinese hospitality. There were a lot of people taking care of them. 在去年的《财富》全球论坛期间我的工作是陪伴嘉宾的配偶们。他们都非常感慨于中国的好客。有很多志愿者都在无私照顾他们。

  • Residence 安居  

    Waiter 服务员

    Name姓名:David Nebehay

    Nationality国籍:Austria 奥地利

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:7 years 7年

    I didn't want to get married, so I transferred to Guangzhou and stayed a little bit longer. I met my wife and got married here. So maybe it was my wife who made me moving. 我不想(在美国)结婚,所以我选择内部调动来广州工作。结果我在这里遇到了我的妻子并结婚了。所以可能是冥冥之中我妻子召唤我来到广州。

  • Residence 安居  

    X 斜杠青年

    Name姓名:Raisul Hasan 吴苏

    Nationality国籍:Bangladesh 孟加拉国

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:5 years 5年

    Guangzhou is a city of opportunities and I feel it’s my 2nd home . 广州对我来说就是一个机遇之城,我觉得这是我的第二故乡。

  • Residence 安居  

    Youth 年轻人

    Name姓名:山原萌 Moe Yamahara


    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:1 years 1年

    When I was in middle school, I was particularly interested in China and South Korea. When I knew the recruiting information of the ASIA Campus Project, I signed up. 高中的时候对中国和韩国特别感兴趣,看到亚洲校园计划在招生,就报名参加了。

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    Zoologist 动物学家

    Name姓名:Ahmed Mohamed Fouad Yosif

    Nationality国籍:Egypt 埃及

    Duration in Guangdong来粤时间:3 years 3年

    Guangzhou in my mind, is a modern, vibrant and multicultural city in which to study, work and live. I like making friends with the locals. 在我心里广州是个现代化、有活力、文化多元的城市,我喜欢跟广州本地人交朋友。

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Executed by Nan, Jasmine, Keane, Will, Xiaowen and Steven
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